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How To generate thumbnail of images in DSPACE 5.0

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1. Go to dspace.cfg file :     #vi /dspace/config/dspace.cfg
a.  Comment line: \ JPEG Thumbnail, \
    Add this line to generate thumbnail , If it is there leave it as it is (uncomment line if commented): \ ImageMagick  Image Thumbnail, \
b.  set = True under Settings for Thumbnail creation section
c.   uncomment  webui.itemlist.columns  and add thumbnail in it. If thumbnail is there, just uncomment        the line.
d.  Add thumbnail in webui.itemlist.dataccessioned.columns  but do not uncomment the line.  If thumbnail is there, leave it as it is.
2. Run the command after making changes and adding any media
#/dspace/bin/dspace filter-media
3. After making changes in dspace.cfg file, restart apache-tomcat and then start dspace.